Consuela Esseboom = The Culture Counselor - Jonge Harten

Consuela Esseboom = The Culture Counselor

Author: Consuela Esseboom

Consuela Esseboom, also known as @ theculturecounselor, wants to give you tools to reflect clearly on life experiences and become wiser in life. On Friday you can talk to her at Jonge Harten, today she will tell you in three short tips how you can transform your story.

  1. Remember the story your parents and the world gave you in childhood about who you are and what place you are allowed to have in the world. Write the meaning and core beliefs about yourself that came out of the crucial experiences of your life. Which themes do you see?
  2. Don’t give other people’s story about you more weight than your own story about you.
  3. Create and write your own moral code. A. For example: “I am very honest even when it hurts me. I stand up for the rights of people (including me) in appropriate ways. I am courageous and determined.”

Without stepping out of your life, you can change your story and try different ideas about yourself. Remember: you write the story. So you can go out boldly to write a new one! Would you like to learn more from De Cultuuradviseur? Come to her talk Friday at one o’clock at the Grand Theater.


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