NOT QUITE - Jonge Harten


Lotte Laurens

Bart Grietens
  • Admission

    <29 years €9,00
    >29 years €14,00

  • Duration

    40 minutes

  • Location

    Grand Theatre

  • Credits

    Concept & script: Lotte Veronica Laurens
    Play: Lotte Veronica Laurens en Paulien Foest
    Decor: Quirijn Smits
    Director: Just van Bommel
    Thanks to: ViaRudolphi Producties, Han van Wieringen, Quirine Racké & Helena
    Muskens, Ine Roeder, Kim Boogaard & Toneelacademie Maastricht.

  • Viewing guide i


The great panic you can feel in everyday, social situations and what can go wrong there.

Two women are stuck in a wall. Together they try to remember a night where everything went wrong. One starts rushing out stories, fearing the memory. The other listens, but didn’t really have the same experience. Until the truth becomes painfully clear.

In -NOT QUITE- Lotte explores how people behave in a space they know and feel they don’t belong in. The great panic you can feel in everyday, social situations and what can go wrong there. That it happens and that everyone blames you for it. A performance made with a fascination for the absurdism of playwright Samuel Beckett.

Lotte Veronica Laurens (2000) studied at the Toneelacademie Maastricht, the acting school. She loves absurdism and tries to make “the emotional” communicative in work that allows the audience to keep associating and fantasizing for themselves. For Lotte, continuing to search for an answer, beyond answering, is the most beautiful thing about making theater.

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Play around


Jonge Harten offers a diverse program. But where do you start choosing? To clarify things somewhat, we have three main storylines that we are focusing on this year. You can see these lines throughout our program. So that you can easily choose which line suits you best and what you feel like doing at the moment. What are you going for?




FIELD was created to strengthen the bond with young talent and to give both the artists and the festival the opportunity to support people in the longer term and to make their “dreams” come true. We focus in particular on students who we feel (after conversations and performances) connect themselves as creators with the world beyond. In a conscious, critical and idiosyncratic way.





A program line in which we put creative young people on stage and in which you can participate in great masterclasses yourself. We ensure that you are pampered all day long and of course we close the day with a great party, by none other than Clash!





Kom je er toch nog niet helemaal uit? Geen nood: stuur een mailtje naar en vraag om nadere toelichting. Vermeld de titel van de voorstelling en waar je graag meer duidelijkheid over wilt hebben (is dit iets om met mijn vriend/vriendin naartoe te gaan? het is misschien wel grappig maar toch niet vulgair? dat soort vragen). De programmeurs van het festival geven je dan persoonlijk het verlossende antwoord!