20 years, a Party! - Jonge Harten

20 years, a Party!

Jonge Harten celebrates her anniversary with 20 parties.

We throw multiple parties to show who we are, what we do, and what this year’s programme is! 😀 😀

#1 – ‘The activation party’ | The kick-off for all staff members and volunteers.
#2 – ‘The foam party’ | Student party after the performance ‘Skûmbek’.
#3 – ‘The Station Noord party’ | The first results of talent development platform Station Noord.
#4 – ‘The ambassadors party’ | reunion for former staff members of Jonge Harten.
#5 – ‘Kick-off party’ | festive opening of Jonge Harten’s 20 th edition.
#6 – ‘Missie Márquez party’ | Columbian benefit party after part 6,5 as preview of part 7, 8, and 9.

#7 – ‘De Nomaden’ | Jonge Harten gives away a performance worth watching (at de Vismarkt).
#8 – ‘A taste of’ | A preview of Sien Vanmaele’s food performance.
#9 – ‘One minute party’ | At the end of the performance the audience will be put in the spotlight.
#10 – ‘Laatste Generatie party’ | De Laatste Generatie are theatre designers from Kunstacademie Minerva.
#11 – ‘VIP party’ | A random person will be picked of the streets and receives a VIP night at the festival.

#12 – ‘Volunteers party’ | The non-mandatory party for every volunteer.
#13 – ‘The technician party’ | Long live the technicians! We’ll bring out all the lights and smoke machines.
#14 – ‘The theatre makers party’ | A party in de draaibar, where all focus is on theatre makers.
#15 – ‘Music party on the square’ | Orkater gives a preview of their performance ‘Julius Caesar’.
#16 – ‘Musical chairs’ | General director Marga Kroodsma switch places.
#17 – ‘The Twerkshop’ | Jonge Harten moves people.
#18 – ‘The Manifestation party’ | The Jonge Harten Movement after 9 days of theatre and a masterclass activism.
#19 – ‘Closing party’ | Final evening in cooperation with Clash, once originated as closing party of Jonge Harten.
#20 – ‘Farewell party’ | The staff members will be thanked for their work, a farewell to the interns and the general director.

Jonge Harten 2024

Jonge Harten 2024 Will be from 15th - 23rd of November.

Play around